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Patrice P. DENEFLE

Chief Scientific Officer


Featured Article

Polyamines: Key Players in Immunometabolism and Immune Regulation

Shanmuga S. Mahalingam, Pushpa Pandiyan

Featured Article

Cytoreductive Nephrectomy Following Immunotherapy: Evolution, Pearls, and Pitfalls of Treatment

Laura E. Davis, Adam Calaway, Eric A. Singer, Shawn Dason

Featured Article

Can Molecular Biomarkers be Utilized to Determine Appropriate Adjuvant Therapy in Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)?

Prashanth Ashok Kumar, Alina Basnet, Stephen Graziano

About this Journal

Journal of Cellular Immunology is an open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes articles related to basic, clinical, translational, cellular and molecular immunology. The journal provides an international platform for academicians, clinicians and scientists to share their key research findings. The journal follows single blind peer review process and all the editorial decisions are taken by respective Editorial board members.

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