Archives of Orthopaedics
ISSN: 2692-8299
Volume 1, Issue 4, p98-134
Articles published in this issue are Open Access and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY NC) where the readers can reuse, download, distribute the article in whole or part by mentioning proper credits to the authors.
Bacterial Biofilms and Implant Infections: A Perspective
Human body implants are rapidly covered by a conditioning film (which contains the biochemical moieties) when they interact with human body fluids and its components. This surface-bound biochemical blend elicits a chemotactic response to attract bacteria that are transmitted through infection or by contamination.
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 4, p98-105 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.016Submuscular Anterior Transposition for Treatment of Ulnar Nerve Syndrome: Outcomes and Final Satisfaction
Ulnar neuropathy is the second most common peripheral neuropathy in the upper limb after carpal tunnel syndrome, with an incidence of 30 cases per 100,000 persons/year. It is characterized by the appearance of sensory symptoms such as pain, dysesthesia, and paresthesia, initially intermittent and then continuous, in the ulnar territory of the forearm and hand.
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 4, p106-114 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.017The Use of a New Type of Heart Rate-controlled Training System HeartGo® for Patients with Chronic Heart Failure on the Pedelec
Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease such as heart failure includes regular physical activity with endurance and strength training, which is used for this purpose with high prevalence. Early rehabilitation should begin in hospital (phase I), be continued in a rehabilitation clinic or as an outpatient close to home (phase II), and then (phase III) preferably in outpatient heart groups (AHG).
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 4, p115-125 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.018A Pilot Study for Assessing a Novel Method of Measuring Shoulder Activation in Healthy Volunteers Using Surface Electromyography
Over the years, healthcare providers have used a host of physical examinations and clinical tools to assess a patient’s physical functioning and health, but many of these assessment tools lack generalizability among physicians or the specificity and sensitivity to accurately diagnose a patient. Range of motion measures are one-way physicians assess many physical deficiencies in the upper and lower extremity.
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 4, p126-134 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.019Gender Disparities in Outcomes Following Pulmonary Embolism Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit; A Multi-center Retrospective Cohort Study
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blockage of blood flow in the pulmonary artery bed that can result in a life-threatening and potentially reversible right ventricular failure [1]. PE remains one of the leading causes of poor prognosis and death, particularly when a shock or right ventricular failure occurs [2]. According to studies, PE is generally manifested in a nonspecific manner
Early Onset Fetal Growth Restriction: Does Path to Diagnosis Impact Outcomes and Pathology?
The etiology of fetal growth restriction is rooted in inadequate maternal-placental vascular malperfusion (MVM) of the placenta. Risk factors for MVM are broad and include maternal, fetal, and placental antecedent determinants.
Healthy Fetal Outcomes Using A Novel Treatment For Maternal Lyme Disease And Babesiosis During Consecutive Pregnancies: A Case Study and Literature Review
The genus Babesia comprises over 100 species of tick-transmitted protozoal intraerythrocytic pathogens (piroplasms) [1], causing malarial-type illness. The most common human pathogens in the United States are B. microti [2] and Babesia duncani (WA- 1) [3]; Less common species include Babesia MO-1 [4] and KO-1 [5], as well as Babesia divergens and Babesia venatorum (EU-1) in Europe.
Influence of Clinical Risk Factors on Outcomes in Men with Stage I Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor Undergoing Robot-Assisted Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
Retroperitoneal lymph nodes are often the first landing site of metastatic disease in men with testicular cancer. Primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) for clinical stage I NSGCT can accurately surgically stage patients who may have nodal micrometastases, and in some cases, can serve as the primary therapy when volume of metastasis is low.
Pain Outcomes with an Elliptical Regimen (POWER) Study: Identifying the Proper Dosage of Exercise for Therapeutic Effect in Persons with Chronic Back Pain
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most prevalent conditions that will affect 70-85% of individuals at some point in their life [1]. LBP accounts for 2.3% of all visits to the physician, and is the most common area of the body to experience pain [2]. Exercise has been a mainstay for managing persons with chronic low back pain for almost 40
What Can Go Wrong When Applying Immune Modulation Therapies to Target Persistent Bacterial Infections
Persistence is a transient phenotypic adaptation that confers survival to a small percentage of cells (between 0.01 and 10%) in genetically identical bacterial populations. Nevertheless, persistence greatly affects the evolution of acquired drug resistance mutations by decreasing antibiotic efficacy and generating a reservoir of surviving cells that can contribute to the onset of chronic infectious disease.
Tenofovir at the Crossroad of the Therapy and Prophylaxis of HIV and HBV Infections
Tenofovir, alias (R)-PMPA, was first divulged as an anti- HIV agent in 1993 [1]. That it would in 2012, become the first antiretroviral agent, approved by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to prevent HIV infection, could have been predicted from the findings of Tsai et al.
Commentary on Association between Birth Weight and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Evidence from UK Biobank
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the major causes of death worldwide and poses a huge public health burden [1,2]. Early identification of individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease is crucial to develop effective preventions. The DOHAD hypothesis proposed by Professor Barker et al. states that an abnormal environment
Viable but Nonculturable Gastrointestinal Bacteria and Their Resuscitation
Viable but nonculturable (VBNC) bacteria are deeply dormant phenotypic variants that are characterized by a loss of culturability in conventional culture media, yet retain some viability markers. Thus, low metabolic activity, nutrient uptake, membrane integrity, and respiration are all detectable in these dormant cells. In 1982, the VBNC state was first described for Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae. Shortly afterwards, VBNC Salmonella enteriditis were found to regain culturability
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: An Update on Management Strategies and Outcomes
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a severe developmental anomaly with an estimated global prevalence at birth of about 2.3 in 10,000 live births. Despite recent advances in antenatal diagnosis, fetal interventions and postnatal management, the condition continues to have a high mortality due to pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension and affected infants can suffer long-term morbidity. In a prospective national population cohort study from the United Kingdom and Ireland,
The Effects of Vaginal Probiotic Administration on Perinatal Outcomes in Patients with Premature Preterm Rupture of Membrane
Preterm premature rupture of membrane is the rupture of the chorionic-amniotic membrane and leakage of amniotic fluid before the onset of labor pains and prior to the 37th week of pregnancy. Preterm premature rupture of membrane (PPROM) occurs in 3% of pregnancies and is the cause of about 25 to 30% of all preterm births. PPROM is an important contributor to perinatal morbidity.
Editorial Commentary for In Throwers with Posterior Instability, Rotator Cuff Tears are Common but Do Not Affect Surgical Outcomes
Superior labral pathology is an exceedingly common entity among throwers, and in recent years, a number of reports have elucidated the prevalence of posterior glenohumeral instability among overhead athletes (baseball, softball, volleyball.) However, within this unique patient population, these conditions should not be viewed as separate clinical entities, but, rather as findings that exist on a single pathomechanic spectrum.
Resveratrol Treatment Reduces Neuromotor Impairment and Hearing Loss in a Mouse Model of Diabetic Neuropathy and Nerve Injury
In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), Schwann cells (SCs) are responsible for myelin production, which contributes to axonal protection and allows for efficient action potential transmission. Unfortunately, acquired and hereditary demyelinating diseases of the PNS are numerous and affect an increasing number of people.
To Stick or Not to Stick? Scalp and Intracranial EEG Evaluation Both Help Achieve Good Surgical and Neuropsychiatric Outcomes in Epilepsy Surgery up to 20 Years Post-Surgery
Epilepsy has a worldwide prevalence of about 50 million [1]. Seizure medications provide adequate control in two thirds of these patients but about a third are refractory to multiple medications and need surgery or other treatments [2].
Health Workers’ Perspectives on the Outcomes, Enablers, and Barriers to the Implementation of HIV “Test and Treat” Guidelines in Abuja, Nigeria
HIV/AIDS continues to be a major public health disease accounting for 35 million deaths across the world. In 2016 alone, there were 1.8 million new HIV infections and 1 million deaths worldwide.
Impact of Age on Prognostic Treatment Outcomes Among Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients: Evidence from Sri Lanka
Improving treatment outcomes for oral cancer patients is underpinned by their disease-free survival and overall survival while ensuring sufficient levels of quality of life [1,2]. There is research evidence to support surgical treatment with or without adjuvant radiotherapy is superior as compared to curative radiotherapy with or without
Socio-demographic Determinants, Patterns, and Treatment Outcomes of Dental Trauma Patients Treated at a Restorative Dentistry Unit, National Dental Teaching Hospital (NDTH), Sri Lanka
Traumatic dental injury (TDI) impacts the teeth and/or other hard and soft tissues within and around the mouth and oral cavity region [1]. TDI are very common across the globe leading to 85% of patients having injuries in the oral region [2] which was revealed by a meta-analysis conducted in 2018 [3]. TDIs are frequently presented as serious
Metformin in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Heart failure affects 1-2% of the adult population in developed countries and the lifetime risk of a heart failure diagnosis is 20%. Patients with heart failure have markedly reduced life expectancy, physical capacity and quality of life. One-year all-cause mortality rates for heart failure patients range between 7 and 17% and the yearly hospitalization rate can be as high as 44%.
Patient-Reported Health Outcomes among HIV-Infected Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in a Tertiary Hospital in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: A Cross Sectional Study
The use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has resulted into HIV-infected patients living longer than it was the case in the pre-ART era [1]. Surviving patients are concerned not only with the treatment ability to extend their lives but also that their quality of life is improved on the course.
Bacterial Biofilms and Implant Infections: A Perspective
Human body implants are rapidly covered by a conditioning film (which contains the biochemical moieties) when they interact with human body fluids and its components. This surface-bound biochemical blend elicits a chemotactic response to attract bacteria that are transmitted through infection or by contamination.
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