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Flat Grounding by Consciousness of Plantar Triangle with Decreased Impact
In recent years, various discussions, disagreements and opinions are seen in the field of athletics. For example, in long distance such as marathon, the recommended way of running has changed. In other words, it has been said that landing with the heel is good before, but recently there is some information that the first-class runner is landing on the toe
Physiotherapy Research in a Danish University Hospital: A Retrospective Review, 2010-2018
Patients of all ages with motor disorders expect highquality assessments and evidence- based treatment [1]. In university hospitals, alongside medical training and treatment of patients, research [2] is an integral part of the skills for medical professionals e.g. doctors, nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.
Introducing the New Journal in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
It gives us great pleasure to introduce readers with our international peer-reviewed, open access journal. Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is devoted to publish original research, reviews, and clinical reports on key areas of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and related fields.
Motor Imagery in Facial Palsy Rehabilitation
Intentional facial expression of emotion named facial mimic is critical to healthy social interactions. Psychological and functional implications of the facial paralysis present a devastating management problem to patients afflicted because their face have an important challenge of facial muscles that are fundamental also for affective communication.
STARTTS Capoeira Angola Project Bantu: Combining Alternative Therapeutic Intervention with Sport for Traumatized Young Refugees: On the Way to Recovery
During the last decade, the world experienced an incredible increase in displaced populations; a staggering 70.8 million, which has been a direct outcome of war and human rights violations. This figure includes 25.9 million having been identified as refugees, and 51% constituting children below 18 years of age which has been documented as the highest figure in a decade.
When does the Brain Ask for Help from the Eyes?
By deduction from complexity of (behavioral) models, we develop an entropic computational tool to distinguish erroneous/redundant eye movements from task relevant eye movements.
Modern Rehabilitation Strategies of Post-Stroke Motor Disfunctions: Functional Electrical Stimulation and Biofeedback-Stabilometric Postural Training
More than 80% of patients after a stroke have limited daily activity due to a complex polymorphic motor deficiency of various nature and severity, which leads to postural disorders (PD) [1]. Because of paresis, develops different changes in the musculoskeletal system (MSS) such as PD, restrictions of movements in the joints, impaired
Energy Expenditure and Nutrition in Neurogenic Obesity following Spinal Cord Injury
Worldwide, obesity is a public health concern and a metabolic ailment characterized by excessive adipose tissue accumulation resulting from an imbalance of energy expenditure and energy intake [1]. This disorder is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and metabolic
Diet and Exercise: A Novel Cure for Asthma? - A Short Communications on a Non-Pharmacological Strategy
Behavioral interventions with regular physical activity, weight loss and diet have repeatedly demonstrated preventive effects in a wide range of diseases. Furthermore, an unhealthy lifestyle is a known predictor for increased use of medication and also the leading risk factor for global mortality.
The Algotect Descriptor Index: An Algorithm for Quantifying Hyperalgesia in Response to a Topical Cold Stimulus
The presence of cold hyperalgesia may indicate widespread pain sensitivity or central pain augmentation. Its presence has been associated with poor outcomes in a range of chronic pain conditions and may offer an important prognostic indicator for persistent pain. Cold pain threshold (CPT) is considered the “gold standard”.
Pain Outcomes with an Elliptical Regimen (POWER) Study: Identifying the Proper Dosage of Exercise for Therapeutic Effect in Persons with Chronic Back Pain
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most prevalent conditions that will affect 70-85% of individuals at some point in their life [1]. LBP accounts for 2.3% of all visits to the physician, and is the most common area of the body to experience pain [2]. Exercise has been a mainstay for managing persons with chronic low back pain for almost 40
No Studies in Stroke Regarding Brain fMRI Activity and Pelvic Floor Muscle Training/Activation - Only Studies in Non-stroke Population: A Review of Neuroimaging Studies
Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD) is highly prevalent in poststroke patients, leading to major impact on the quality of life (QoL) and healthcare resources. Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) has, over the past two decades, been recommended as first-line treatment for neurologically healthy patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
Long-Term Use of Oral Bisphosphonates and Fracture Risk in Men with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
Lower extremity fractures in individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI) cause significant morbidity [1] and contribute to excess mortality [2]. Early identification of persons at highest risk for fracture is possible using bone mineral density (BMD) testing by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) imaging
Changes in the Distribution of Digit Forces and Associated Finger Functions during Prehension
We grasp and manipulate various types of objects during activities of daily living. To explain how we do this in a stable manner, a neural mechanism has been proposed that involves judging the position of the object and its characteristics (e.g., size, shape, material, and weight), executing the motor program based on sensory
Exercise, Strains and Their Impact on Bone Mineral Content and Density Losses
Bone mineral content and density (BMC, BMD) losses, which may subsequently lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis, appear in various disuse (aging, space flight and its analogs, spinal cord injury, etc.) conditions. While diet and hormonal status impact BMC and BMD values, a major factor responsible for these losses are the
Evaluating an Approach to Improving Attention Networks by Theta Stimulation
In this paper we consider the hypothesis, based on our human and mouse studies, that white matter connectivity can be altered by appropriate stimulation at the theta frequency [1,2]. In one study we used optogenetics to change the output of cells in the mouse anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) at 1, 8 or 40Hz.
Risks and Countermeasures for the Musculoskeletal systems in the Extreme Environment of Aviators and Astronauts
Resistive Exercise in Astronauts on Prolonged Spaceflights provides partial Protection against Spaceflight-induced Bone Loss showed very promising data on measures that can be employed to preserve the bone and muscular health of astronauts. The value of the information from these measures of bone and muscular health is how the
Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Operation and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
The main symptom in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is shortness of breath. Shortness of breath occurs especially with exercise and progresses over the years despite all medical treatments. One of the main mechanisms by which this symptom occurs is hyperinflation in the lungs [1].
Role of Exercise and Natural Protective Substances on Sirtuin Activation
The advancement of chronological age is characterized by the progression of symptoms of chronic degenerative diseases that are triggered or accelerated in their progression by unhealthy lifestyles, decreased fitness and inadequate nutrition with decreased consumption of natural protective substances. Recent scientific evidence
Rehabilitation Providers’ Experiences with Rapid Telerehabilitation Implementation During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
Telehealth has been around since the 1960s as a healthcare delivery modality, though it did not gain widespread acceptance as a viable and reliable clinical tool until the late 1990s, when digital imaging and high speed, high bandwidth telecommunications technology became widely available [1]. Historical boundaries to its acceptance and