Archives of Orthopaedics
ISSN: 2692-8299
Volume 1, Issue 3, p68-97
Articles published in this issue are Open Access and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY NC) where the readers can reuse, download, distribute the article in whole or part by mentioning proper credits to the authors.
Epidemiology of Displaced Supracondylar Fractures
Supracondylar fractures of the humerus are the most common elbow fracture in the pediatric population and comprise nearly 60% of all elbow fractures. Supracondylar fractures most commonly occur in children aged five to seven. Historically, males had a higher incidence of supracondylar humeral fractures. More recent studies support a more equal distribution amongst males and females.
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 3, p68-73 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.011Pain in Patients undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty
Pain continues to be reported by patients waiting for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and after undergoing this surgery despite advances in the delivery of pain management. The motivation for carrying out this initial work was due to the concerns of the surgeons based on patients reports of pain, at their 6-week return to clinic appointments. Concerns of addiction, overdosing, multi-modal analgesia and lack of pain education were the factors.
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 3, p73-74 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.012Incidental Spinal Durotomies Noted During Spinal Surgery: Incidence and Management
An incidental durotomy or dural tear is defined by ICD- 10 as an accidental puncture or laceration of dura during a procedure. These procedures include spinal surgery and interventional procedures such as epidural injection. The published incidence of incidental durotomy varies in the literature and is dependent on the procedure being performed, the experience of the surgeon, and patient factors but can range from 1% to 17%.
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 3, p76-82 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.013The use of Percutaneous Achilles’ Tendon Lengthening as an Adjunct Procedure in Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Review
The goal of reconstructive foot and surgery for diabetic foot pathologies is to create a plantigrade foot that is braceable and has low risk of ulcer formation or recurrence. Experienced surgeons are cognizant that foot pathologies are defined in three planes: frontal, transverse and sagittal. The Achilles’ tendon is the chief deforming force in the foot along the sagittal plane.
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 3, p83-88 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.014Hamstrings Injuries with MRI Findings in a Major League Soccer Team
Hamstring injuries are the most common pathology reported in professional soccer players and represent about 10-30% of all injuries. The hamstring complex is comprised of three muscles located in the posterior compartment of the thigh including the semimembranosus (SM), semitendinosus (ST), and biceps femoris (BF), which is comprised of the long head (BFLH) and short head (BFSH).
Arch Orthop, 2020, Volume 1, Issue 3, p89-97 | DOI: 10.33696/Orthopaedics.1.015No Studies in Stroke Regarding Brain fMRI Activity and Pelvic Floor Muscle Training/Activation - Only Studies in Non-stroke Population: A Review of Neuroimaging Studies
Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD) is highly prevalent in poststroke patients, leading to major impact on the quality of life (QoL) and healthcare resources. Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) has, over the past two decades, been recommended as first-line treatment for neurologically healthy patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
The Health Effects of the Abuse of Ketamine
Addiction is defined as being a primary chronic disease of the brain reward, motivation, and memory in this complex circuitry. A dysfunction in this complex circuitry can lead to certain manifestations in an individual [1]. The individual who suffers from addiction does not have the ability to abstain from this harmful pursuit and, as a result,
Relationship between Plate Length and Fracture Height as a Predictor of Non-Union in Distal Femur Fractures. A Restrospective Study
The distal femur constitutes the region between the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction and the femoral condyles. Fractures of this segment, which includes supracondylar and intercondylar fractures, represent between 4 and 7% of all the femur fractures, with an incidence of 37 cases per 100,000 habitants/year. These fractures present a bimodal distribution depending on the injury mechanism.
Epidemiology of Displaced Supracondylar Fractures
Supracondylar fractures of the humerus are the most common elbow fracture in the pediatric population and comprise nearly 60% of all elbow fractures. Supracondylar fractures most commonly occur in children aged five to seven. Historically, males had a higher incidence of supracondylar humeral fractures. More recent studies support a more equal distribution amongst males and females.
Pain in Patients undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty
Pain continues to be reported by patients waiting for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and after undergoing this surgery despite advances in the delivery of pain management. The motivation for carrying out this initial work was due to the concerns of the surgeons based on patients reports of pain, at their 6-week return to clinic appointments. Concerns of addiction, overdosing, multi-modal analgesia and lack of pain education were the factors.
Incidental Spinal Durotomies Noted During Spinal Surgery: Incidence and Management
An incidental durotomy or dural tear is defined by ICD- 10 as an accidental puncture or laceration of dura during a procedure. These procedures include spinal surgery and interventional procedures such as epidural injection. The published incidence of incidental durotomy varies in the literature and is dependent on the procedure being performed, the experience of the surgeon, and patient factors but can range from 1% to 17%.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Diabetic Foot Care
Among all late complications of diabetes, those involving the foot have traditionally required more face-to-face patient visits to clinics [1]. The COVID-19 (corona virus infectious disease) pandemic has resulted in the closing of most outpatient clinics for face-to-face consultations.
The use of Percutaneous Achilles’ Tendon Lengthening as an Adjunct Procedure in Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Review
The goal of reconstructive foot and surgery for diabetic foot pathologies is to create a plantigrade foot that is braceable and has low risk of ulcer formation or recurrence. Experienced surgeons are cognizant that foot pathologies are defined in three planes: frontal, transverse and sagittal. The Achilles’ tendon is the chief deforming force in the foot along the sagittal plane.
Hamstrings Injuries with MRI Findings in a Major League Soccer Team
Hamstring injuries are the most common pathology reported in professional soccer players and represent about 10-30% of all injuries. The hamstring complex is comprised of three muscles located in the posterior compartment of the thigh including the semimembranosus (SM), semitendinosus (ST), and biceps femoris (BF), which is comprised of the long head (BFLH) and short head (BFSH).
Evaluation of Specific Cementation Criteria on Total Elbow Arthroplasty – A Mono-Center Analysis of 31 Cases, with Minimum Follow-up of 4 Years
Total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) has gained popularity in recent years and the indications for performing this surgery have been expanding. Initially this arthroplasty was used predominantly in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis of the elbow, however, nowadays, TEA has been performed also in other situations like osteoarthritis, comminuted intraarticular fractures or tumors.
Surgical Management of Patella Fractures: A Review
Patella fractures account for 1% of fractures in adults and are seen in all age groups. The treatment options for fractures requiring surgery have evolved over time in response to postoperative complications and with the advent of new technologies which optimize fixation.
Epidemiological Characteristics of Diabetic Foot and Affecting Factors for Amputation in China
With the increased prevalence of diabetes from 0.67% in 1980 to 11.2% in 2017, the prevalence of diabetic foot has been growing in China in recent years. Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) was one of the most serious complications of diabetes. Complicated general condition, severe infection and poor outcomes were feature characteristics of Chinese DFU patients.
Radiographic Features of Lateralized Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty in Osteoarthritis
RSA is a worldwide treatment to manage pain and improve shoulder function in patients with advanced gleno-humeral osteoarthritis. The main efforts of researchers were directed to address glenoid replacement, using devices that would preserve glenoid bone stock and ensure prosthesis stability.
Surgical Fixation of Severe Rib Fractures: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Rib fractures are a commonly encountered traumatic injury and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. They are a marker of severe injury and can lead to defects in the chest wall and severe pain which may hinder breathing.
Sexual Abuse of Minors: 63 Cases at Mouila Regional Hospital in Gabon in 2022
Sexual abuse of a minor is defined as any sexual violation or act of a sexual nature committed against a human being under the age of eighteen, by violence, coercion, threat, surprise, or deception [1]. Similarly, rape of a minor is any act of sexual penetration of any kind committed against a human being under the age of eighteen using violence, coercion, threats, or deception [1].
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