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Measuring the Impact of Stressors through Self-reporting on the Temporal Nature of How Perceived Stress Emerges and Dissipates

Chronic stress exposure is linked to health and performance deficits including mental disorders, chronic diseases, and metabolic conditions. Stress management is an active process of coping with internal or external stressors to prevent or dampen biological and psychological strain

Interviewing Techniques for Patients with Intellectual Disability

Levels of Intellectual Disability and Categories of Communicative Skills When conducting a patient interview, it is crucial to understand the individuals’ level of ID as well as their expressive language skills in order to communicate effectively

“All the lonely people, where do they all belong?”

Loneliness is a distressing experience perceived as isolation and rejection. It has been recognized as a social problem throughout the existence of Homo sapiens, and is now considered, in conjunction with social isolation, to be an emergent public health problem affecting all age groups

Educators as Essential Workers in the Era of COVID-19: Applying Lessons from Disaster Recovery

In the article, “Mental Health Framework: Coronavirus pandemic in post-Katrina New Orleans” [1], Shervington and Richardson offer recommendations about how to anticipate and address disaster-related, trauma exposures associated with the coronavirus pandemic

Commentary: Actioning Community Attachment Parenting Program Review Recommendations

Attachment and mental health have long intersected within research and policy [1]. Expressly, attachment relationships developed in the formative years are one of the most influential contributions to longitudinal holistic well-being [2]

A New Adaptive Procedure for Estimating Perceptual Thresholds: The Effects of Observer Bias and Its Correction

Perceptual thresholds might vary due to different variables such as fatigue, fluctuations of attention, or sensory learning [1]. Adaptive threshold estimation procedures are most effective by providing quasi-instantaneous estimates of an otherwise fluctuating sensory threshold. 

The Loneliness, Loss and Reflections Set off by COVID-19

“Nothing was as it seemed. I was not as I seemed…I was confronted by the possibility that perhaps the truest thing about me was a coiled identity, my irrealis self, a might-have-been self that never really was but wasn’t unreal for not being and might still be real, though I feared it never would”

Biomedical Gastronomy in the Management of Smell and Taste Disorders

Whether one lives to eat or just eats to live, the consumption, ingestion and digestion of foods and beverages comprise a complex system of intertwined signals and rituals. 

Clinical Supervision: Getting It Right!

The article ‘Enablers and barriers to effective clinical supervision in the workplace: a rapid evidence review’ presents evidence from the international literature on effective clinical supervision. The review searched nearly 16000 international publications to answer the question: What makes effective clinical supervision? When in place and done well, clinical supervision has many benefits for the organisation, professional development and patient services.

Personality Functioning: An Opportunity for Treatment Personalization

As the literature shows, the categorical diagnosis of personality has received numerous criticisms. Over the years, authors suggest that personality dysfunction is distributed along a dimensional continuum. Dimensional assessment of personality severity has been included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Section III, and in the World Health Organization’s International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, where levels of personality functioning are posited to account for personality complexity

Military Training: Does It predispose service personnel to Negative Mental Health Issues?

At initial (basic) training recruits from all services and most nations are subject to an intense environment where they are physically and mentally challenged throughout their waking day. Their civilian experiences and identity are systematically remodeled to fit the requirements of the nation’s services. Most recruits are able to cope with this extreme environment, albeit with some impact on their mental wellbeing, whereas those unable to cope either physically or emotionally are discharged from the Military through medical or administrative procedures.

Technology Use and Mental Health Disorders: Dueling Aspects of Technology as a Problem and a Solution for Mental Health

With artificial intelligence (AI) at the forefront of social and cultural discourse [1], it is important to recognize the scope and scale of the impact of technology use on humanbehavior

Maintaining a Focus on Burnout in Medical Students

Burnout in medical students has been a consistent focus of research on stress over the decades. Medical students have been cited as at risk for burnout due to excessive stress, unrealistic expectations, and societal pressures.

Self-Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies during COVID-19 Pandemic among the Students of Kathmandu Metropolitan City

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a global threat. Various factors such as social isolation, perception of disease severity and susceptibility, and frequent exposure to the news have been previously associated with increased levels of perceived stress regarding COVID-19. The choice of coping strategies plays a crucial role in mitigating these effects. Thus, this study aims to assess the perceived stress level and coping strategies among 19-24 age group students during COVID-19.

Team Mindfulness for Healthcare Burnout Reduction

Earlier this year, an editorial by this author was published in the Journal of Mental Health Disorders [1] presenting the case for maintaining a focus on burnout in medical students. Burnout is defined as that point when work becomes unpleasant, unfulfilling, and meaningless—leading to exhaustion, cynicism and ineffectiveness [2]. 

Handwashing and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder During COVID-19 Concerning Increased Negative Mental Health

COVID-19 has been identified as a virus spread to the respiratory system by minute airborne particles. This method of dispersion is in contrast to its originally anticipated large particle fomite transmission. Although COVID-19 dissemination has been found to be airborne, a continuous health directive to limit contagion during the pandemic was to improve handwashing.

Understanding Anxiety

This study is the first of its kind to diachronically analyze how the use of language surrounding anxiety has changed in each version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Using corpus linguistic technology, the collocations of the word “anxiety” were analyzed and ranked using log dice to determine the strength of associations both within and across each version of this clinical guide. 

Commentary on Studies Citing This Author Concerning Doodling as a Measure of Burnout

The ability of doodling to act as an indicator of depression and anxiety regarding research burnout is a topic that has seen the publication of six articles by this author since 2021. This commentary aims to determine the extent to which any of these articles have been cited by subsequent researchers in furthering the literature on doodling. The keywords “C Nash Doodling Burnout” were searched through Google Scholar in February 2024 with 142 returns.

Australian School Based Interventions Addressing Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review

Aim: Prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents is between 3% to 30% worldwide. Since countries differ in geopolitical contexts, the World Health Organization (WHO) called for a coordinated effort to report on local contexts. We aim to address this gap by providing a review of effectiveness of Australian school-based mental health interventions and identifying success factors for school-based implementation.

Combination of Journalism and Psychological Studies: Recommendations for Research on PTSD and Fake News Belief under Natural Disasters

We are writing to express our appreciation for the recent publication of the study titled “PTSD, FOMO and fake news beliefs: a cross-sectional study of Wenchuan earthquake survivors” [1]. This study offers valuable insights into the intricate connections among posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), fear of missing out (FOMO), and beliefs in fake news. The authors have selected individuals who were affected by the earthquake as a sample to investigate the correlation between FOMO and belief in fake news, which presents a unique and innovative situation.