As the new editor-in-chief of Archives of Gastroenterology Research (AGR) I cordially welcome all current readers of AGR and future contributors to AGR. Together with my editorial team of AGR we encourage scientists and clinicians involved in the care of patients with gastrointestinal diseases to submit their interesting reports to AGR with the aim to be published following fair evaluation by external peer reviewers. Gastroenterology with its broad range of subsegments and involving many organs is a fascinating and challenging area of research and clinical aspects. Highly appreciated are controversial issues, which help stimulate discussions under experts in the field, in line with the view that Gastroenterology shares features of a learning system. Welcomed are also non–controversial reports as long as they provide new aspects rather than confirmatory data.
The focus of AGR articles is on clinical diagnosis and treatment modalities in Gastroenterology, in addition to related mechanistic steps and molecular events leading to the disease, closing thereby the gap between basic sciences and clinical observations. All types of articles including original articles, case reports, comprehensive review articles, and perspective articles will be considered with the exemption of editorials that are commonly invited to address specific issues. Instructions for authors are available under Author Guidelines, and submissions of papers are requested online Submit.
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Rolf Teschke
Editor-in-Chief of AGR