Journal of Clinical Cardiology
ISSN: 2694-5088
A Case of Purulent Pericarditis in the Setting of Streptococcal Pneumonia
Purulent pericarditis was a prevalent complication of streptococcal pneumonia prior to the antibiotic era. In this article, we report a 68-yearold male presenting with dyspnea, chest pain, left knee pain, diagnosed with S. pneumoniae bacteremia and septic arthritis with isolation of same pathogen from synovial fluid.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p45-48 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.052Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Early Heart Failure Rehospitalization in Older Adults: A Sex-Specific Analysis and Update
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and heart failure (HF) remain important global health issues affecting young and older adults, independently contributing to HF hospitalizations and early rehospitalizations. Understanding sex-specific differences in HF research and accurately identifying risk of rehospitalization in patients with HF remains important for clinical decision making and management. We recently conducted a literature review and retrospective analysis of data specifically focusing on predictors of the 31 to 60-day HF rehospitalization timeframe among older women, as well as derivation of a conceptual model.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p49-53 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.053A Case of Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm
Introduction: Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) is an abnormal dilation of one or more aortic sinuses located between the aortic valve annulus and the sinotubular junction. SVA rupture can cause shunting into cardiac chambers creating hemodynamic compromise and has a high morbidity and mortality requiring prompt recognition and treatment.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p54-58 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.054Investigating the Hormetic Role of Resolvin D2 in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: Pathways to Biomarker Recognition for Resolvins?
Introduction: Resolvin D2 (RvD2), a mediator that helps resolve inflammation, plays a role in stopping the progression of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Understanding how RvD2 levels relate to ASCVD risk could reveal its potential as both a treatment target and a biomarker. Methods: We examined the research by Liu et al., which used an analytical method that combined restricted cubic splines with multivariable Cox proportional hazard models.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p59-64 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.055Troponin: Think Before Testing
This is a high-value care-based quality improvement project that was carried out to decrease inappropriate troponin testing in the emergency department (ED) of a tertiary health institution in the United States with the goal of promoting evidence-based practices, minimizing waste, and enhancing the quality of care.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p65-72 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.056External Validation of Four Cardiovascular Risk Prediction Models
Background and Purpose: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death and disability in the world. Many CVD risk prediction models have been created, but those most widely used in clinical settings have not been externally validated, a significant gap addressed herein. Methods: Using the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), we have externally validated the Framingham Risk Score, ASSIGN (Assessing the cardiovascular disease risk using SIGN) risk score, Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) risk score, and the European SCORE model, which were selected based on popularity among clinicians and frequency of clinical use.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p73-80 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.057The Night Sweats and Pulmonary Embolism-controversial Presentation and Differentiation
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common and potentially fatal condition where early and accurate diagnosis can significantly reduce mortality and morbidity. It typically presents with a range of associated symptoms such as breathlessness at rest or during exertion, coughing, discomfort or swelling in the legs, and wheezing. However, many atypical symptoms are also possible, including epigastric pain, hypotension, and night sweats, with mechanisms not yet understood.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p81-84 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.058Ethical Pearls in Fetal and Neonatal Cardiology
Working in health care institutions- deal with fetal/pediatric congenital heart diseases-build up moral sensitivity at different levels. Patient-family and doctor relationship starts from the moment family decides to seek medical/surgical advice. Parents ask everywhere to choose the best compassionate expert who could help at all levels. Mutual respect and trust are the first ethical values to launch the medical/surgical journey.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p85-87 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.059Commentary on Management of Respiratory Problems in Pediatric Cardiac Patients
Asthma, as a comorbidity in the presence of cardiac disorder, can be a very annoying issue. In contrast to the patient's cardiac disease, it might not feel like a major problem, especially when considering some cyanotic heart conditions, but in reality, having a daily cough can be very concerning for families, affecting their kid’s quality of life, sleep, and daily activity.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p103-108 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.061Echocardiographic Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function Six Weeks Post-Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Prospective Study
This study aimed to determine if two-dimensional (2D) speckle tracking of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) could predict six-week remodeling in patients after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p109-115 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.063Post-coronary Angiography Stroke in a High-risk Patient: A Case Report
Stroke, although uncommon, is a serious complication that can occur during cardiac catheterization. It is often caused by emboli, typically from plaques or thrombi dislodged during the procedure. Certain patients, particularly those who are older or have underlying conditions like diabetes and coronary artery disease, may face a higher risk. This case report aims to illustrate post-coronary angiography stroke and highlight the need for swift diagnosis and treatment.
J Clin Cardiol, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 2, p98-102 | DOI: 10.33696/cardiology.5.062Scientific Archives is a global publisher initiated with the mission of ensuring equal opportunity for accessing science to research community all over the world. Spreading research findings with great relevance to all channels without any barrier is our goal. We want to overcome the challenges of Open Access with ensured quality and transparency.