Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and heart failure (HF) remain important global health issues affecting young and older adults, independently contributing to HF hospitalizations and early rehospitalizations. Understanding sex-specific differences in HF research and accurately identifying risk of rehospitalization in patients with HF remains important for clinical decision making and management. We recently conducted a literature review and retrospective analysis of data specifically focusing on predictors of the 31 to 60-day HF rehospitalization timeframe among older women, as well as derivation of a conceptual model. Our review confirmed that the influence of risk predictors such as sex-based disparities, risk factor profiles, and therapeutic interventions on early (< 60-day) HF rehospitalization remain inconsistent and challenging. The presence of risk predictors predates the clinical event and further understanding is warranted given the prevalence and potentially serious consequences of the MetS and recurrent HF rehospitalizations. In this mini-review, we examined recent published data that address MetS and sex-specific differences within the context of HF rehospitalization, and determined contributions from machine-learning approaches.
Heart failure, Metabolic syndrome, Rehospitalization