Vulvovaginal hematoma is not very common in modern obstetric practice due to increasing care, management and careful observation of mothers during and following delivery but when it occurs it can rapidly evolve into a life-threatening condition if it is not noticed early or managed promptly.
Among others, and if not in shock patient commonly presents with significant perineal pain and, depending on the location, there is always visible swelling, the index patient presented in shock 8 hours following unsupervised delivery.
The primary goals of management include prompt commencement of resuscitation, prevention of further blood loss, minimize tissue damage, relieve pain, and reduce the risk of infection. Management generally however, could be conservative for small blood collections, but surgery is usually inevitable when it is acute and rapidly expand in size.
Vulvovaginal, Haematoma, Episiotomy, Shock, Exploration, Figure-of eight