Journal of Experimental Neurology
ISSN: 2692-2819
Department of Neurosurgery
Federal University of Ceará
Academic Editor
Dr. Anderson Alexsander Rodrigues Teixeira is a medical student at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. He is the Member and President of the Nucleus of Academic Studies in Neurosurgery-NEAN-(2015-2017), Extensionist of the Abuse Drugs Project-PRODAB-(2015-2017), Extensionist and Professor of Biology of the XIIth May Course (2018-Present) Scholarship for Scientific Initiation (2016-Present). Dr. Teixeira is the Monitor of the discipline of Neurophysiology (2016) and discipline of Bases of the Surgical and Anesthetic Technique (2017). He is also a Academic Coordinator of the Group of Studies and Research in Pediatric Neurosurgery-NECPED-(2018-Present). Dr. Teixeira is an Associate student of the Brazilian Association of Medical Education (ABEM) and the Member of the editorial board of the journal CPQ Neurology and Psychology. His research interests are in the areas of Medical Education, Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery.
Experience in research in the areas of Medical Education, Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurosurgery.
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