Archives of Clinical Pediatrics
Archives of Clinical Pediatrics is an international, double blind, peer reviewed journal, welcomes high quality research from global authors. The journal encourages to communicate original translational research, review, letter to editor, short communication, interviews and commentary which could help the medical practitioners to evaluate the Pediatric issues more lucidly. The journal covers a wide range of multidisciplinary subjects which includes pediatric medicine, pediatric care, patient safety, substance abuse, pediatric neurology etc. The aim of the journal is to accumulate all the relevant information in the field of pediatrics which could connect all interdisciplinary medical specialties.
Archives of Clinical Pediatrics is an international, double blind, peer reviewed journal, welcomes high quality research from global authors. The journal encourages to communicate original translational research, review, letter to editor, short communication, interviews and commentary which could help the medical practitioners to evaluate the Pediatric issues more lucidly.
Scientific Archives is a global publisher initiated with the mission of ensuring equal opportunity for accessing science to research community all over the world. Spreading research findings with great relevance to all channels without any barrier is our goal. We want to overcome the challenges of Open Access with ensured quality and transparency.