Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the stability after early loading of nano coated hydroxyapatite implants in posterior maxilla.
Methodology: This study was conducted on nine patients with at least a missing one maxillary posterior tooth. Ten Nano-coated hydroxyapatite implants (ETIII NH implant by Hiossen) were inserted in nine patients, and then subjected to early loading according to the secondary stability readings taken by Osstell®. Implant stability was measured at the time of implant insertion (T0), 4 (T1), 6 (T1 modified), weeks, and 4 months (T2) post-operative. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was performed in all patients before starting the treatment. Nine implants healed well except for one implant that failed due to infection.
Results: Secondary stability results after 6 weeks of implant incretion were sufficient enough for implant loading, there was significant difference (F= 12.642, DF 3, P value <0.001) among T0, T1, T1 modified, and T2.
Conclusion: Nano-coated hydroxyapatite implants are of good choice in posterior maxilla and they can be early loaded.
Dental Implants, Implant stability, Implants surface treatment, Implants surface coating