Publication Type
Journal of Cancer Immunology is an open access peer reviewed journal with a motto of redefining science through gold open access model. All the articles published by the journal are under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-NC 4.0 license; thus, they are freely available to read, share, use, distribute, and reproduce in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Unlike traditional subscription based journals, the Journal of Cancer Immunology will not charge its readers to access the published article.
The publication frequency of the journal is Biannual (2 issues per year). To accelerate communication of published article, the Journal of Cancer Immunology adapted Continuous Publication Model. This model enables the journal to post the article online instead of waiting for the issue to be filled. Upon successful peer-review, copy editing & post acceptance process, the article will be available to the readers in a fully citable format with DOI. Please be noted that this process will not affect the way the articles are being peer-reviewed and evaluated.
Peer-Review Process
Peer review is an independent assessment process through which journals scrutinize and regulate the quality of a submitted article by inviting experts in the field to review the work and determine its eligibility for publication.
All submitted articles of Journal of Cancer Immunology will undergo rigorous Single-blind peer review process. Upon initial screening and editor assignment, the article will be sent to the external reviewers to assess the articles' eligibility for publication. Single-blind peer review process is the traditional method of reviewing and it helps in avoiding various biases in the review process. In this type of review process, reviewers’ identity will be anonymized to the authors, but the authors’ identity will be revealed to the reviewers.
ISSN stands for ‘International Standard Serial Number’; is an 8-digit code used to identify all types of print and electronic media, such as scientific journals, magazines and newspapers. ISSN is a unique identifier of a publication or journal but not of an article. An ISSN provides credibility to the journal, and helps in searching and identifying the journal on a global medium.
ISSN of Journal of Cancer Immunology is 2689-968X.
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique, persistent identifying number for a document published online. Unlike the ISSN, it is an article identifier comprises of numbers, letters and symbols. Each published article will have a unique DOI number which will help the reader in locating the article across the web.
DOI provides a permanent link to the published article making it easily findable and citable. DOI Prefix of Journal of Cancer Immunology is 10.33696/cancerimmunol.
National Library of Medicine (NLM) is the world's largest medical library operated by the United States federal government under the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NLM Catalog provides access to NLM bibliographic data for journals, books, audiovisuals, computer software, electronic resources and other materials. NLM will provide a unique ID for the journal or periodical when it is currently listed or indexed.
NLM ID for Journal of Cancer Immunology is 101766319.
Public Access Policy
In compliance with Public Access Policy of US National Institutes of Health (NIH), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other Federal agencies, articles funded by these agencies will be deposited to PubMed Central (PMC) after the publication in the journal. Articles funded by Europe PMC Funders will also be submitted to PMC after the publication.