
Author Guidelines

Archives of Pharmacology and Therapeutics follows continuous publication model, in which articles will be made available online within 7 days after acceptance. The journal covers a wide range of topics including pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacogenomics, immunopharmacology, pharamacokinetics, drug interactions, ethnopharmacology, pharmacodynamics, clinical pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology, drug development and testing, computational toxicology, applied pharmacology, neuropharmacology, cardiovascular pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, neuropsychopharmacology, pharmacovigilance, targeted pharmacotherapy. Articles published in Archives of Pharmacology and Therapeutics are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Readers may reuse, download, and take limited copies of the articles by mentioning proper credits to the authors.


Submission guidelines

Authors may submit the manuscript either online at https://www.scientificarchives.com/submit or as an email attachment to pharma@sciarchives.org and pharma@scientific-archives.net.

There is no page limit for the article submitted to Scientific Archives journals. Authors are instructed to submit the manuscript either in word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) or PDF files. Only articles written in English language will be considered by the journal. Authors must ensure that articles submitted are not under consideration for publication in another journal. We encourage authors to read the Author Guidelines and policies page before submitting the manuscript.

Article types

Original research, review articles, clinical case studies, letters to editor, perspectives, opinion articles, commentaries, book reviews and visual articles will be considered for publication in the journal. The journal provides an opportunity for authors to submit their evidence based findings and theoretical insights of high quality.

Article processing charges

Being an open access journal, Archives of Pharmacology and Therapeutics collects article processing charges (APC) from authors after the acceptance of an article. APC can be paid by authors from their research budget or by their supporting institutions. APC will help the publisher to recover the cost incurred during review and publication process and also to maintain the full text of the published articles online without any charge for the readers. Authors from developing and underdeveloped nations may contact the publisher for discount on APC.


Country Group
Article processing charges (APC)
High income
750 GBP
Middle income
375 GBP
Low income
255 GBP

Note: Along with the standard article processing charges, additional fees such as payment gateway or wire transfer charges will also apply.

On most of the ocassions, we waive APC for authors from low-income countries. Waivers or discounts on APC will be provided on a case-by-case basis to authors with insufficient funds. Authors may request waiver or discount at the point of submission.

Article formatting and preparation guidelines

The journal follows a finely tuned and well-crafted format for article publication. Authors are instructed to follow journal suggested format which will be re-evaluated and arranged in our post-acceptance process. Authors are suggested to use the check list below before submitting the manuscript.

  • Cover letter
  • Title
  • List of authors along with affiliations and contact email id
  • Abstract no longer than 300 words
  • Main body (Suggested IMRaD format) preferably in doc, docx, format.
  • References
  • Acknowledgement
  • Author Contributions Statement
  • Figure and Table Legends
  • Display Items [Figures (according to the digital images integrity and standards in eps, tiff, jpg formats) and Tables (in Word)]
  • Supplementary Information

Title page

The title page should contain a full title and a running title (not more than 15 words); full names of all the authors (first name, middle name, last name) along with affiliations of all authors and their institutions, departments, or organizations (affiliations should be designated using the numericals); corresponding author should be designated using * symbol and equally contributed authors should be designated using # symbol. Contact information including telephone number, fax number and email address of the corresponding author must be provided.


Abstract should be written precisely and it should not exceed 300 words. Do not include any citations in the abstract.


Manuscript should contain 7-10 important words or phrases. Keywords must be placed after the abstract.


Clear background information about the subject must be provided. Introduction should emphasize the importance of the research in question and it should clearly highlight the lack of knowledge in current literature. Finally, it should describe the objectives of the study.

Materials & Methods

This section should describe the reagents, and apparatus that were used to conduct the experimental study. It should typically explain the context and setting of the study. If the research contains several methods then this section can be divided into subsections.


This section should report the key findings of the study. It should also report the secondary findings such as secondary outcomes, subgroup analyses, etc. Results can be divided into multiple sections with clear headers.


The main findings of the study must be stated. The research in question and hypotheses must be addressed with specific evidence from the experimental results. Clear competing explanations must be provided for results with multiple interpretations.


In this section, significance of the current study can be stated. The main outcomes of the study should be summarized and limitations of the study can be stated along with future perspectives.

Conflicts of Interest

In this section authors should declare if any conflict of interest exists and they must explain the reason for conflict. If there are no Conflicts of Interest then that must be stated. Corresponding author should take the responsibility in declaring the interests on behalf of co-authors.

Funding Statement

In this section authors should mention the name of the funding agency that supported their research along with grant numbers.


In this section authors can include names of the individuals who have contributed in preparing the manuscript. The names of these individuals should not be listed as co-authors and permissions must be obtained to mention their names.


In the main text, sequential numbering should be followed for references in the order of their appearance. References in the main text should be represented with numbers in square brackets e.g., [5]. Authors should include only the references that are cited in the article and uncited references must be excluded. Reference should be formatted as per Vancouver style.


While submitting the paper, authors should include all figures and tables in the word file of the manuscript. Along with this, authors should submit each figure in separate electronic files. Authors should cite all the figures in the manuscript in a sequential order. Figures can be submitted in Bitmap formats such as TIFF, GIF, JPEG, etc. Figures containing labels should be embedded in separate layers. Each figure should have a separate legend and must be provided as a separate section of the manuscript after the references. Authors must obtain permissions if they want to reproduce a figure published elsewhere.


Authors should cite all the tables in the manuscript in a sequential order and table legends must be provided for each table. Authors should provide Tables in an editable format i.e either in Word or Excel. In case of numerical measurements, units should appear in parentheses in the column headings. Footnotes to tables should be marked with a),b),c) and typed on the same page as the table.

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary materials such as video clips, audio files or datasets can be submitted along with the manuscripts either in a single file or as a .ZIP file (if multiple files are there).


Corresponding author will receive the galley proofs along with instructions after the acceptance of the article. Authors must send the corrected proofs within two to three days of receipt. Only necessary changes will be made in the article at this stage.

Copyright and Permissions

Authors hold the copyright of their manuscripts. All articles published by Scientific Archives are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

Authors are solely responsible for obtaining any permission needed for the reuse of copyrighted materials included in the manuscript.

Ethical policies

For publication ethics and policies, please refer our policies page.

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