Dr. Jorge Morales Montor studied Biology in the faculty of Higher education Iztacala UNAM, and obtainined the title in 1992. He obtained the doctoral degree in October, 1997. He did his Post-doctoral studies in the Departament of Cellular Biology at the University of Georgia, in the laboratory of Dr. Raymond T. Damián, one of the most recognized parasitologist in the world and received a scholarship of Fogarty Foundation to carryout investigations on the schistosomiasis in the baboon. He is currently working as a Titular Investigator C of Definitive TC in the Institute of Biomedical Investigations. He has published more than 140 articles in international journals like Nature, Journal of Immunology, Journal of Infectious Diseases and Scientific Reports, etc. He was a President of the Mexican Society of Parasitology, and at present he is a President, and founder, of the Mexican Society of Neuroinmuno endocrinología. Dr. Morales Montor is a Young scientist, who has developed his meteoric and brilliant career in Mexico, supporting and contributing to the scientific development.
Research Interest
Molecular Parasitology, Immunoparasitology, Neuroimmunoendocrine Network, Innate immunity during Infections, Immunology of Cancer, Immunoendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Neurobiology, Neuroendocrinology