We have partnered with Crossref, an official digital object identifier Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation, to make research objects easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reusable.
As a part of our collaboration, all the published articles in our journals contain a unique DOI number and article metadata. Crossref’s other infrastructure, such as Content Registration, Reference linking, and Crossmark, will make the article more discoverable in the scholarly ecosystem.
Scientific Archives adapted Open Access publishing practice to make peer-reviewed scholarly research and literature freely and permanently available online.
Studies have shown that Open Access content attracts more attention than non-Open Access content. With Open Access at the heart of its mission, Scientific Archives is proud of being committed to open science and its Open Access publishing policy.
Web of Science (WoS) Reviewer Recognition Services (formerly Publons) works with reviewers and publishers to give credit for peer review.
Scientific Archives is committed to ensuring integrity in the peer review process by participating in reviewer recognition services of WoS. Reviewers can claim their contributions to their profile on the platform. However, the contents of the peer review will remain confidential.
Creative Commons Licenses grant readers a perpetual right to copy, distribute, and make use of the published works and ensure that the authors get appropriate credit.
All Scientific Archives journals publish articles under a Creative Commons Attribution License permitting unrestricted NonCommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
PlagScan is a web-based service software to investigate the authenticity of the content and is known for serving academic institutions, universities, and online publishers.
Scientific Archives partnered with PlagScan to check the submitted work before reviewing and publishing. It will enable us to publish quality work and prevent copyright infringement, thus achieving integrity and authenticity in academic publishing.
Manuscript Manager is an editorial & submission workflow management system for scholarly journals. It offers a modern and innovative approach to peer review and article production tracking.
Scientific Archives is pleased to partner with the Manuscript Manager to manage online submissions, conduct the peer-review process, and manuscript tracking. The system helps streamline the workflow and provides easy, user-friendly access for authors, editors, and reviewers.