Acceptance rate
Acceptance rate is a journal metric of how many submissions are accepted for publication against how many are submitted. The acceptance rates may vary between 60-70%; older journals and multidisciplinary journals will have lower acceptance rates than newer journals and special journals on a narrow topic.
Journal acceptance rates should not be used as an article evaluation metric as there is no clear evidence that acceptance rates are a reliable indicator of quality. If you submit a good paper, then it is not the acceptance rate that is important for you but the peer-review & decision times.
Time to Desk Decision
Desk decision is a process of initial article evaluation by editor upon submission and before the peer-review process. The article will be assessed for plagiarism, scope of the article, writing quality, significance & novelty, ethicality.
‘Archives of Nephrology and Renal Studies’ follows 2 business days desk decision policy. If the desk decision is positive, then the article enters peer-review process immediately. If the article did not clear the desk decision, the corresponding author will be informed about the decisions along with the reason.
Submission to first decision
Considering the importance of the articles submitted, Scientific Archives follows rapid review process. This allows the journals to deliver decision of the first round of peer-review process at the earliest possible.
‘Archives of Nephrology and Renal Studies’ delivers its first review decision on the submitted article in 21 average days. Authors should note that the timing vary based on length of the article, availability of reviewers, and several other factors. Special issues articles may have different timeline that this based on respective issue handling editor’s interest.
Submission to final decision
Scientific Archives aims to provide authors with a quick decision with its rapid review and quick turn-around timelines. Reviewers are given a tight deadline to review the manuscript, so does the authors for revise.
‘Archives of Nephrology and Renal Studies’ takes average of 42 days to deliver its final editorial decision on the article. Individual article timelines may vary based on factors such as review delay, revision delay, final language check, and others.
Acceptance to publication
Once the final editorial decision is made, it will be intimated to the author immediately. The respective article files will be sent to the production department for building the proofs. Once the proof is approved, the article will be available online at the earliest in full citable format along with DOI.
‘Archives of Nephrology and Renal Studies’ follows 7 days acceptance to publication policy; all the accepted articles by the journal will be available online in less than 7 days. However, this timeline may vary depending on the proof returning time, amendments in the proof, and financial confirmations of the article.
Article Downloads & Views
Getting people reading and engaging with journal articles is a key for the success of the journal. Open access publishing may reach more readers than subscription access publishing. To make this very clear, the ‘Archives of Nephrology and Renal Studies’ lists how many times its articles were downloaded and viewed. This number accounts for the total articles published by the journal so far. Individual article’s downloads & views reports are available at respective article page and/or issue page.
Please be noted that the total number of views will always be higher than downloads as most authors access the webpage of the article rather than downloadable PDF version. Also, there are several factors such as SEO optimization, promotion and marketing of the article can influence the views of the article.