Journal of Clinical Haematology
ISSN: 2766-4686
Division of Cancer Biostatistics
University of Kentucky
Academic Editor
Dr. Rani Jayswal is a Biostatistician at the Markey Cancer Center, Division of Cancer Biostatistics, University of Kentucky within the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource Facility. She is a board-certified Biostatistician through National Board of Public Health Examiners. She received her medical degree from Baroda Homeopathic Medical College, India, in 2008 and she completed her Masters’ degree in Biostatistics from The University of North Texas Health Science Center from 2010-2012. She has providing statistical support for the development, conduct and analysis of early phase cancer clinical trials as a cancer biostatistician within NCI-designated cancer center. She is also currently providing statistical supportive role in the research and operational aspects of Biostatistics and other shared resources funded by the NCI cancer center support grant.
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